5 Quotes & Sayings By Craig Hart

Craig Hart is a professional photographer and founder of Digital Photography School. A graduate of the University of South Florida, he has been teaching photography for more than 12 years. He is committed to helping photographers improve their work by teaching them the techniques needed to master digital photography.

Perfection should generally be avoided in a character. Real people, such as your readers, aren’t flawless and chances are they are not going to be able to fully identify with a character who is. Craig Hart
In real life people do occasionally act out of character or do things we wouldn’t normally expect them to do. In fiction, there should be a good reason for a character to do something outside of the ordinary. Craig Hart
By mastering character and plot, you give your book a fighting chance and withoutcharacter and plot, no book can survive. Craig Hart
Characters are the lifeblood of anygood book. Craig Hart